Cesária Évora - Testo delle canzoni: Milca Ti Lidia + traduzione in Inglese
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  • Cesária Évora

    Milca Ti Lidia → traduzione in Inglese

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Milca Ti Lidia

Milca Ti Lidia says
I would prefer going war in Guinea
To weeding in Monte
Complaining about knee pain
Walking a distant path
On top of that, a dark one
Hoe on my back
My feet have become old
From stumbling so much
In the early morning
From stumbling so much
In the early morning
Milca Ti Lidia says
Morning, the time that the rooster sings
Don't call us just to give a handout
Let us dream peacefully
Light rain is falling, the City advised the whole Port
To go and raise the walls
Because of the animals from Morro
You arrive in Monte wrecked
In the early morning
From stumbling so much
In the early morning
Testi originali

Milca Ti Lidia

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