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  • Renato Carosone

    'O pellirossa → traduzione in Inglese

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'O pellirossa

Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba...
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba...
Uè! Uè!
So' Catumbo 'o pelliróssa
'o cchiù bèllo d' 'a tribù.
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba...
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba...
Uè! Uè!
So' Catumbo 'o pelliróssa
'o cchiù bèllo d' 'a tribù.
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba...
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba.
Cómme me scéto me piazzo 'a pénna 'ncapo
e, a' faccia 'e sti selvagge,
io me faccio 'nu tatuaggio
col rossètto di mammà!
Tumba Catumba... Catumba mba!
Tumba Catumba... Tumba Catumba!...
So Catumbo 'o pellirossa,
tèngo 'a lancia e 'a pippa 'e gésso.
Cca nisciuno me fa fésso!...
Sóngo 'o mèglio d’a tribù!
Chi me chiamma: Fréccia nera.
Chi me chiamma: Pénna gialla.
Uh! Ma a ll'ànema d' 'a palla!...
Nun capisco niénte cchiù!...
Tòro seduto 'a cca,
Cavallo pazzo 'a llà,
attuórno a me se métteno a ballà
So' Catumbo 'o pellirossa,
pellirossa americano...
Uh! Che spasso a fà’ l'indiano
col rossètto di mammà!...
Chi me chiamma: Fréccia nera,
Chi me chiamma: Pénna Gialla.
Uh! Ma a ll'ànema d' 'a palla!...
Nun capisco niénte cchiù!...
So' Catumbo 'o pellirossa,
pellirossa americano.
Uh! Che spasso a fa’ l'indiano
col rossètto di mammà!...

The Redskin

Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome in the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Uè! Uè!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
the most handsome of the tribe.
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba ...
As soon as I wake up
I put the pen on my head
And in the faces of these savages,
I get a tattoo
with mom's lipstick!
Tumba Catumba ... Catumba mba!
Tumba Catumba ... Tumba Catumba! ...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
I have a spear and a plaster pipe.
Here nobody fools me! ...
I'm the best of the tribe!
Who calls me: "Black Arrow".
Who calls me: "Yellow pen".
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
"Sitting bull" from here,
"Crazy horse" from there,
they start dancing around me!
I am Catumbo the redskin,
American redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick! ...
The final:
Who calls me: "Black arrow".
Who calls me: "Yellow pen".
Uh! But what an exaggeration! ...
I do not understand anything any more!...
I am Catumbo the redskin,
american redskin ...
Uh! What fun it is to be an Indian
with mom's lipstick
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