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    По мъжки → traduzione in Inglese

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По мъжки

Като ме питат какво ми има,
по мъжки казвам: „Нищо ми няма“.
Но моето „нищо“ е женско име,
от него още до смърт боли ме.
Paylaş benimle derdini.
Değmez yıpratma kendini.
Boş ver bu aşkın sonu yok!
Gitsin vefasız sevgili!
Не, не мога да я забравя!
Не, не искам друга жена!
Тя ме уби, но за мен пак е кралица,
щом я обичам дори с мъртво сърце.
Gözlerin nemli, biraz kederli.
Ayrılık yine vurdu sana.
Kaldı hayali günlerin dertli.
Kader yüzüne gülmedi gitti.
Брат ми, тази нощ напий ме.
Нека плача, остави ме.
Казваш: „Тя не заслужава“,
но ми липсва и не ми минава.
Yok, yok gelmeyecek! Seni artık sevmeyecek!
Yok, yok gelmeyecek! Seni artık sevmeyecek!
Paylaş benimle derdini.
Değmez yıpratma kendini!
Казваш: „Тя не заслужава“,
но ми липсва и не ми минава.
Не, не мога да я забравя!
Не, не искам друга жена!
Yok, yok gelmeyecek! Seni artık sevmeyecek!
Beni artık sevmeyecek.

Man To Man

When they ask me if I have something
manly I say " there's nothing wrong with me"
but my "nothing" is a female name
from which I hurt until death
Share with me your trouble
you shouldn't wear yourself down!
don't mind, this love has no end
leave from your unfaithful lover!
No,I can't forget
no I won't find another woman
she killed me, but for me she is a queen
I love her even with a dead heart
Your eyes are moist, a little sorrowful
break-up hurt you again
the dream remained, the days are troubled
fate laughed at your face and left
My brother, this night drink with me
let me cry, leave me
you say " she is not worthy"
but I miss her and won't go away
No,no she will not come! She won't love you anymore
No,no she will not come! She won't love you anymore
Share with me your trouble
you shouldn't wear yourself down!
you say " she is not worthy"
but I miss her and won't go away
No,I can't forget
no I won't find another woman
No,no she will not come! She won't love you anymore
She won't love me anymore
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