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  • Alejandra Pizarnik

    Poema Para el Padre → traduzione in Inglese

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Poema Para el Padre

Y fue entonces
que con la lengua muerta y fría en la boca
cantó la canción que le dejaron cantar
en este mundo de jardines obscenos y de sombras
que venían a deshora a recordarle
cantos de su tiempo de muchacho
en el que no podía cantar la canción que quería cantar
la canción que le dejaron cantar
sino a través de sus ojos azules ausentes
de su boca ausente
de su voz ausente.
Entonces, desde la torre más alta de la ausencia
su canto resonó en la opacidad de lo ocultado
en la extensión silenciosa
llena de oquedades movedizas como las palabras que escribo.

Poem for the father

And it was then
that with a dead and cold tongue in his mouth
he sang the song they let him sing
in this world of obscene gardens and of shadows
which came at a mishour to remind him
of the songs of the time when he was a boy
in which he couldn't sing the song he wanted to sing
the song they let him sing
other than through his blue, absent eyes
through his absent mouth
through his absent voice.
Then, from the highest tower of absence
his singing resounded in the opacity of what is hidden
in the silent extension
full of movable voids like words
which I write down.
Alejandra Pizarnik: 3 più popolari