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Prazna Casa Na Mom Stolu

Prazna casa na mom stolu
iz te case ti si pila
ako je sreca ispijena
nek' bude casa razbijena.
Aaaaaj, kafana je puna sveta
svako se za pesmu sprema
tako zelim da si samnom
ali tebe samnom nema.
Aaaaaj, moje oci tebe traze
dok u casi vino drema
muzika mi pesmu svira
a ja patim sto te nema.

An Empty Glass On My Table

An empty glass on my table
Out of that glass you drank
If happiness is drunk from it
Let that glass be broken
The cafe is filled with people
Everyone is getting ready for a song
I really wish that you're here with me
But you're not with me
My eyes are searching for you
While the wine is drowsy in the glass
The music is playing a song for me
And I'm suffering cause you're not here
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