Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Prelepa za poraz

Povej mi, kakšen je tvoj dan?
Katera pesem te zbudi?
Je kdo, ki ga objameš?
Je v tebi strah, ko vstaneš?
Strah pred dnevi izgubljenimi.
Se še bojiš vseh svojih sanj,
boš spet odšla na drugo stran?
V sebe, v sebe spet poglej.
Svet ima najlepse barve zate,
Bog na nebu ni pozabil nate.
A nič več, nič ne bo kot prej.
Zdaj je čas da končno se spoznaš,
zdaj je čas, da tiho si priznaš,
da si prelepa za poraz.
Povej mi, kje si ta večer?
A kdo razume tvoj nemir?
A verjame vate,
a bi padel zate?
med vama vojna je in mir.
Morda tudi on boji se sanj
in hoče, da bi živela zanj.
V sebe, v sebe spet poglej.
Svet ima najlepše barve zate,
Bog na nebu ni pozabil nate.
A nič več, nič ne bo kot prej.
Zdaj je čas, da končno se spoznaš,
zdaj je čas, da tiho si priznaš,
da si prelepa za poraz.

Too beautiful to give up

Tell me, how is your day?
What song wakes you up?
Is there someone you hug?
Is there fear in you when you get up?
Fear of the days lost.
You are still afraid of all your dreams,
will you again go to the other side?
Look, look into yourself.
This world has the most beautiful colors for you.
God in heaven has not forgotten about you.
And nothing, nothing will be the same as before anymore.
Now it's time for you to finally get to know yourself,
now it's time that you quietly admit to yourself
that you are too beautiful to give up.
Tell me, where will you be tonight?
And who understands your unrest?
And believes in you
and would fall for you?
There's war and peace between you.
Maybe he is also afraid of dreams
and would want you to live for him.
Look, look into yourself.
This world has the most beautiful colors for you.
God in heaven has not forgotten about you.
And nothing, nothing will be the same as before anymore.
Now it's time for you to finally get to know yourself,
now it's time that you quietly admit to yourself
that you are too beautiful to give up.
Jan Plestenjak: 3 più popolari