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Forgive me my love

The sea
will embrace
and bury us in the sand.
The fishing nets will be thrown
they will catch our souls...
Forgive me my love.
It's too late,
to think about certain things.
Way to late.
I scene you need air.
We're laying in such a large puddle...
Forgive me my love.
are drenched in water,
and they're clinging.
I think that we might be stuck in a mess.
I think that the sun might have burned out...
Forgive me my love.
It's quiet,
can't hear no clocks,
no birds.
Obediently, we turn our hearts off.
And in the sand, it's as if you're in bronze...
Forgive me my love.
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Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Mar, 28/07/2015 - 10:02

I sense( not scene) сцена. We are lying ( not laying) Last line doesn't sound right as well.
Kind Regards