Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Alekseev

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Not Quite

Confident in your views. Arrogance
You want to go faster, but your fear is losing
Unfortunately, we have a mismatch
A stubborn kid, you don't know how to wait
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
Pulse, heartbeat, it's not all lost
You're at a loss, seeking my view
Sure, this is all temporary, just believe me
The world is spinning about its axis, not around you
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
I'll be your night...
I'll be your night...
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
I'll be your night
But not quite, but not quite, but not quite
I'll do what you want
But not quite, but not quite
Testi originali

Не Точно

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Russo)
