Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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    Suskun → traduzione in Inglese

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Good morning
I thought I wouldn't hit the sun
It knows me and my heart
Hello to my friend
It's waited on your hand and foot for years
Midwives of night of memories
The name of the great mountain where the rivers flow
Don't give names
to the fairy tales
Don't say keep silent
Let me be the mother of the name
I'm not afraid anymore
of your defeat,
your hardship
your raven and coal
Destroy from the narrowest
I'm not afraid anymore
of your defeat,
your hardship
your raven and coal
Destroy from the narrowest
Ask me about my shattered soul
My shattered word
I thought my load wouldn't spill
The name of the great mountain where the rivers flow
Don't give names
to the fairy tales
Don't say keep silent
Let me be the mother of the name
I'm not afraid anymore
of your defeat,
your hardship
your raven and coal
Destroy from the narrowest
I'm not afraid anymore
of your defeat,
your hardship
your raven and coal
Destroy from the narrowest
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Maral ArfaMaral Arfa    Lun, 15/01/2024 - 10:01

Merhaba, "tanıyor beni, kalbimi heceler" doesn't mean "knows me and syllables of my heart"
Hecelemek:: spell, like:: please spell your name
Verb root:: hecele/hecele + r = heceler means he spells (simple present)
Therefore, "kalbimi heceler" means "he spells my heart" (he knows my heart)🙏🌹