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  • Crvena jabuka

    Sanjam te → traduzione in Inglese

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I'm Dreaming Of You

I’m dreaming of you waving to me
With a white handkerchief
And you’re crying like a year
I’m dreaming of you cheating on me
With some cheater
With a tear in your eye
I haven’t gotten over you
I haven’t forgiven either
Without you days are
Like Sunday
Empty and boring
Without you my thoughts are
Like disbelief
And nobody to move me
I haven’t gotten over you
I haven’t forgiven either
Like a ship went aground on you
In my eyes there’s a dream so tired
You gave me nights of the full moon
Our pillow’s scent has disappeared
I’m dreaming of you waving to me
With a white handkerchief
And you’re crying like a year
I’m dreaming of you cheating on me
With some cheater
With a tear in your eye
Like a ship went aground on you
In my eyes there’s a dream so tired
You gave me nights of the fool moon
Our pillow’s scent has disappeared
Testi originali

Sanjam te

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