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Santa Lucia Luntana

Partono 'e bastimente
pe' terre assaje luntane...
Cantano a buordo:
so' Napulitane!
Cantano pe' tramente
'o golfo gia scumpare,
e 'a luna, 'a miez'o mare,
nu poco 'e Napule
lle fa vede...
Santa Lucia!
Luntano 'a te,
quanta malincunia!
Se gira 'o munno sano,
se va a cerca furtuna...
ma, quanno sponta 'a luna,
luntano 'a Napule
nun se po sta!
Santa Lucia, tu tiene
sulo nu poco 'e mare...
ma, cchiu luntana staje,
cchiu bella pare...
E' 'o canto d''e Ssirene
ca tesse ancora 'e rrezze!
Core nun vo' ricchezze:
si e nato a Napule,
ce vo' muri!
Santa Lucia!
Luntano 'a te,
quanta malincunia!
Se gira 'o munno sano,
se va a cerca furtuna...
ma, quanno sponta 'a luna,
luntano 'a Napule
nun se po sta!

Santa Lucia Far Away

The ships are leaving
For far away lands.
The Neapolitans sing on board.
They sing while in the sunset
the bay disappears
and the moon, above the sea
lets them see
a glimpse of Naples.
Santa Lucia
far away from you
what melancholy!
We circle the whole world,
we go to seek our fortunes,
but when the moon rises,
far away from Naples
you cannot stay away.
And they play their instruments
but their hands
tremble on the strings.
How many memories,
how many memories.
my heart cannot heal
not even with those songs;
hearing those voices and that music,
I begin to cry
because I
want to return!
E. A. Mario : 3 più popolari