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Sedim u jednom pariskom lokalu

Sedim u jednom pariskom lokalu
Lažno se smešim čoveku što gleda
Svuda oko mene devojke se ljube
A ja tražim oči, oči kao tvoje
Muzika svira, lelujaju senke
Mahnite od snage ovog letnjeg vina
Misli sve su dalje, a samo ja sam ovde
Sedim tako sama kao dobra vila
Ja te sanjam ove noći
Moja duša zbog tebe vene sad
Ja te zovem iz daljina
Jer te volim do groba
Sedim u jednom pariskom lokalu
Lažno se smešim čoveku što gleda
Svuda oko mene devojke se ljube
A ja tražim oči, oči kao tvoje
Muzika svira, lelujaju senke
Mahnite od snage ovog letnjeg vina
Misli sve su dalje, a samo ja sam ovde
Sedim tako sama kao dobra vila
Ja te sanjam ove noći
Moja duša zbog tebe vene sad
Ja te zovem iz daljina
Jer te volim do groba

I'm sitting at a place in Paris

I'm sitting at a place in Paris
I throw a fake smile to the man looking at me.
Everywhere around me girls are being kissed
And I'm looking for eyes, eyes like yours.
Music is playing, shadows sway
Enraged by the strength of this summer vine
My thoughts are further and further, and only I am here
Sitting so alone, like a fairy godmother
I am dreaming of you tonight
My soul is now withering because of you.
I call upon you from the distances
Because I love you till the grave.
I'm sitting at a place in Paris
I throw a fake smile to the man looking at me.
Everywhere around me girls are being kissed
And I'm looking for eyes, eyes like yours.
Music is playing, shadows sway
Enraged by the strength of this summer vine
My thoughts are further and further, and only I am here
Sitting so alone, like a fairy godmother
I am dreaming of you tonight
My soul is now withering because of you.
I call upon you from the distances
Because I love you till the grave.
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