Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Ajda Pekkan

    Seninleyim → traduzione in Inglese

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I'm with you

I'm with you here
I'm with you at the streets
In dreams, in my sleep I'm with you
If the phone rings
I speak as if it was you
My door is open, look, I'm again with you
There is someone else in my arms
There is you next to me
I missed you at the lips that I kissed
The words spoken are yours
You are my love song
My eyes are closed, I listen to you, I wait you
They look at me considering me crazy
I make out with
They can't see, I smile inside
You are at my right and left
In my cigaret, in my room
Look, you live beside me
Testi originali


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