Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Cem Adrian

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The things you didn't see is still hidden in somewhere
Those things you don't know about,the pains in my heart...
The things you didn't feel have remained
The things you never perceived
The love in my heart...
They remind me of the past...
So do these rains...
I lost you in these rains...
And these winds remind me of the darkness...
They remind me of it...
These winds took you away from me...
And now the streets...
They lead up to the loneliness...
The stars to the sky...
When it's night,something gets down on earth
Why is it thought when one waits for someone near the window,they come back quickly...
Why do i think someone walking down the street as you
You don't know about what a person thinks
When a night without the moon comes up
You suddenly think as if you get cold
You hear someone's whimperings
Your hands...Your hands...
They were my paradise...
I wanted to see myself inside of your pupils...
I wanted it one morning...
I wanted to smile to the sun while it getting down,
While it getting down,to lean my head on your shoulder andclose my eyes to the world...
On a dark night,my hands through your hair,
When the moonlight is reflected to my face through your eyelashes...
I would have wanted to sleep on your side until the morning...
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