Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Peggy Zina

    Σιγά Σιγά → traduzione in Inglese

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Eventually, everything comes to an end
just like that
Eventually, I'll stop
Eventually, I'll start to laugh
Eventually, I'll talk to all
my friends
Eventually, I'll manage to forget
Let's see what you're going to do
where you're gonna go in the middle of the night
you've forgotten all about me anyway
and don't tell me that you love me
Eventually, I'll be doing whatever I want
Eventually, with my heart as my guide , I'll go on without telling anyone
Eventually, I'll get used to not hugging you
and if I want to tell a lie , just for once
my feelings are none of your business
Let's see what you're gonna do
Where you're gonna go in the middle of the night
you've forgotten all about me anyway
and don't say you love me
Testi originali

Σιγά Σιγά

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Greco)
