Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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All that I ask of God

All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent to suffering,
that I will not come to the moment of my death
having failed to do what I could.
All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent to injustice,
that I will not merely turn the other cheek
after the first has been clawed.
All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent to war;
it is a terrible monster that tramples
the people’s innocence.
All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent to deceit;
if a traitor cannot be stopped from having his way,
at least let it not be soon forgotten.
All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent about the future,
not despairing like those who abandon their home
to make a new life in a foreign culture.
All that I ask of God
is that I will not be indifferent to war;
it is a terrible monster that tramples
the people’s innocence.
Testi originali

Sólo le pido a Dios

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