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Everything Is In Colour

Everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour
Everyone tells of their worries
Asking for understanding
He who tells of his joy
Doesn’t understand those who suffered
Lord of infinite space
You who have peace there between your hands
Pour it out Lord, I beg you
And teach my brothers to love
And show them the beauty of life
And how to comfort all wounds
And how to love with pure love the entire world
And how to always search for peace Lord and to hate war
Everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour,
everything Is In Colour
Of what happens in the world
By God, I don’t understand it
The thistle always screaming
And the flower always quiet
Let the flower scream
And let the thistle fall silent
And all those who are my enemies
Let them be my brothers
Let’s go down that path
And see what light we can find
That light that is in the ground
And that which we have extinguished
Lord of infinite space
You who have peace there between your hands
Pour it out Lord, I beg you
And teach my brothers to love
I'm going to live alone
because here with so many people
I can go crazy.
And I don't know what's better,
if starting to walk again towards to you
or looking for a new destiny
far from here.
And I don't know what's better,
if searching until finding you
or waiting for the quenching
of this passion candle.
I love you, I love you,
but I'm scared
that the love keeps growing
growing and growing.
And when it reaches the highest,
the pride comes playing
and breaks it accidentally.
The flowers on your balcony
cry to see me again,
as far as I know,
as far as I know,
as far as I know.
The flowers on your balcony
cry to see me again,
My god!
You're so pretty
but you don't have a heart!
What a pain!
When people
step on the flowers of your illusion.
Testi originali

Todo es de color

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Lole y Manuel: 3 più popolari
Idioms from "Todo es de color"
ineditoinedito    Gio, 11/01/2018 - 14:02

He corregido los errores ortográficos de la letra. También he ordenado correctamente los párrafos y he añadido la letra final que canta Manuel. Por favor, haz las correcciones necesarias en tu traducción.