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Your lack of love

Today I slept in our bed again
And everything's the same
The air, our cats
Nothing will change
Hard to forget you, being here
I want to see you
I still love you, I believe even more than yesterday
The poison ivy won't let you see
I feel mutilated and so small
Come and tell me the truth
Have mercy
And tell me why
How it was you stopped loving me
I could still bear your great lack of love
A month ago, I often listened to you
And I was your accomplice
I thought there was no one else but you
I was your friend and I was your companion
Now, I'll sleep
So profoundly, to forget
I wish even death to I stop thinking
I erase you so I leave behind this bitterness
Come and tell me the truth
Have mercy
And tell me why
How it was you stopped loving me
I could still bear your great lack of love
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Tu falta de querer

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