Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Beata Kozidrak

    Upiłam się Tobą → traduzione in Inglese

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I got drunk with you

I got drunk with you, with the half of my years
I didn't have enough faith that it can be so strong
Butterflies were flying for an hour or a half
It's too short to wake up the heart from sleep
I came home, not alone - it's a fact
I was curious how the world will surprise me again
Do you know what it means, do you understand your sin?
My mum asked me - I pretended that was sleeping
All day, all night
I'm wondering was it a mistake
Never mind, we have time
Let's do it one more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
I got drunk with you, with no plans and no game
I was hanging in the air - I fell powerless
Life is funny, not everybody knows it
Those who know can play with life as they want
All day, all night
I'm wondering was it a mistake
Never mind, we have time
Let's do it one more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
Feel this moment, this moment (feel) x4
All day, all night
I'm wondering was it a mistake
Never mind, we have time
Let's do it one more time, one more time
All day, all night
I'm wondering was it a mistake
Never mind, we have time
Let's do it one more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
One more time, one more time
This moment, this moment
Feel this moment
One more time, one more time
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Upiłam się Tobą

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