Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Ghymes

    Vágyalku → traduzione in Inglese

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A bargaining out of desire

The bargaining out of desire
The deers are scared
Old law permits the wolves
To hunt here
Good morning, good day!
I'm selling a hundred severed hands
offered to seal a peace with
Wise-fools wait
I was for her, now I'm ceased to be
So I'm turning back
What the centuries stutter?
Let me make my mistakes, leave me be
So I'm turning back
We could start it
By me giving answers
We could end it
By me asking questions in tears
We could start it
By me giving answers
We could end it
By me asking questions in tears
We could start it
By me giving answers
We could end it
By me asking questions in tears
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