Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Sara (Finland)

    VDTA → traduzione in Inglese

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My life stopped long ago
It's easy to lost yourself into other person
To something coming
Still that young boy with his dreams
Takes over me hands beating chest
Says let me go fucking ape
Would it be time for you to go?
Would it be time for you to go?
Would it be time for you to go?
Would it be time for you to go?
I lost the music, place where to escape to
Into an empty mold of himself turns in an instant
The decadent artist
Still that sensitive soul with its dreams
I grab by the neck, legs kicking air
Let me go fucking brat
Has my time come?
Has my time come? (Fucking brat)
Has my time come?
Has my time come? (Fucking brat)
Still that young boy with his dreams
Still that young boy with his dreams
Would it be time for you to go?
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Idioms from "VDTA"