Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Palito Ortega

    Yo tengo fe → traduzione in Inglese

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I have faith

I have faith that everything will change
that love will succeed forever
I have faith that it will always shine
the light of hope will never turn off.
I have faith I believe in love
I have faith and also lots of illusion
because I know it will be a reality
the world of justice that will start to wake up.
I have faith because I believe in God
I have faith everything will be better
hatred and pain will be silenced
people will talk about their illusion again
I have faith the men will sing
an universal love song
I have faith it will be a reality
the world of justice that will start to wake up.
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Yo tengo fe

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