Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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I offer my thanks to you

I offer my thanks to you, every morning
For having returned me my soul1
I offer my thanks to you for the clothes
You have laid on my body
To keep me from the cold, you protect me
I offer my thanks to you, every morning
For the light, for the fact that I am alive
I thank you for the bread
You have put on my table
So I won't know hunger, and so I wo't feel pain
I offer my thanks to you for my countless smiles
For my talents and for all my songs
All of my songs are Idedicted to you
Know, know that I thank you
I will cry for you, your glorious name, I will call for you ya2
For you my life for you my thanks
I will call for you ya, I will call for you ya
I offer my thanks to you, every morning
For the strength, for my father and for my mother
I offer my thanks to you, for the rain you poured on my fields
To care for my loved ones, you gave me my life
  • 1. According to judaisim god takes the soul at night, and returns it in the morning. For this jews thank god as part as the modeh ani prayer(not this song).
  • 2. A way to call god in judaism.

מודה אני

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