Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
  • Ravid Plotnik

    סמוראי → 英語 の翻訳

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A punch up, a punch down
Meditation and the bible
Where we are you get what you give
The art of war which sanctifies words as if they were swords
No pain, no gain 1
I hear the wind whistling through the trees
I see the truth passing through the eves 2
Losses and victories, a samurai, this is the life
We're souls who look for the right frequencies
And we're all students, and all is still lessons
A punch forward, a punch back
The one who shuts up is a son of a bitch
I refuse to see the grey
I build the backdrop with a metaphor
I communicate with the upper worlds
Through words which cut their way through stone
When the Creation communicates with my mind
Shows me its face and I show it
Mine, still wake up in the morning and say my thanks,
Everyone after me, and tell myself,
You're a student, you're a samurai
Even if I brought cry, blood and tears
I've sharpened my sword, a thousand nights
I've no doubt in me, no perhaps
I'm still a blazing fire, still a samurai
All according to the samurai doctrine, all from deep in my youth
The voice inside my head has dug the pit deep 3
And hasn't let my dreams sink, all I've left is thank the spirit above
I want to believe that I'm deserving, entitled
Equal among equals, no one is above me or below
I still haven't turned a musician or politician
Boiling blood in my veins, I have a Moroccan mentor
"You and I will change the world" 4
At night I float between the roofs and disappear
To the skies, twice I've vented for it's good
I've not progressed in classes,
I've developed methods, sowed with a tear
And reaped with joy, accepted the weight of the task
Walla, a blessing from Allah, I've kept on writing
I've stuck with the my military code
My soul is burning and my spirit is alive
Today I open my mouth and cut with my words
In the crossroads of battles I cross between worlds
Always in the deep of depths I fulfill my dreams
If we were to see the universe as extended arms
We would explode as if 72 virgins are waiting for us
You know,
There was this guy in elementary who practiced karate
And in his senior year he was something like a national champion
And when they came to start a fight with him he would run away
And I was dying to see him bury them
I asked "How come you don't fight back?" and he said to me
That what he did to me I don't remember
And what I woulda done to him - he would not forget
(you know it's a cool sentence)
And we're also a bit like that
For years we've practiced at barraging words as fast as possible
Only to say them slow, only to say a few
There are no just words
You can bury a person's soul with just one swipe of a word 5
(one swipe of a word)
That's why exactly because we've gotten where we wanted
We'll keep on going to practice, and we'll persevere, sweat, spit blood
And never look at the clock
Nor ask for the result, we'll trust the method
We'll go to come back like a chorus
Like the kid who run away from that melee in triumph


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