Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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اتفرج على نفسك ياللى
فرحت كتير فى اللى حصلى
و ياريتك فكرت تدارى
بقى جاى بتندم دلوقتى
و حياتك ماتضيع وقتى
ده بنارك انا بردت نارى
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
والعادى ان الندم يجيبك
و عليك حتفرج انا
اتفرج على نفسك ياللى
فرحت كتير فى اللى حصلى
و ياريتك فكرت تدارى
بقى جاى بتندم دلوقتى
و حياتك ماتضيع وقتى
ده بنارك انا بردت نارى
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
والعادى ان الندم يجيبك
و عليك حتفرج انا
الدنيا فى لحظة بتتغير
واهو جالك يوم تبقى صغير
و كفاية كل اللى جرالك
ايه جابك ماترد عليا
صدقنى خلاص هونت عليا
وهسيبك مش هسأل مالك
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
ايوة انا فرحانة فيك
و عيبك من كل الدنيا جتلى انا
والعادى ان الندم يجيبك
و عليك حتفرج انا
اتفرج على نفسك ياللى
فرحت كتير فى اللى حصلى
و ياريتك فكرت تدارى
بقى جاى بتندم دلوقتى
و حياتك ماتضيع وقتى
ده بنارك انا بردت نارى

Take a Look at Yourself

Take a look at yourself oh,
You were so happy because of what happened to me
and you didn't even think of hiding it
Now you're regretting it?
Please don't waste my time
Your suffering soothed my suffering1
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
And it is normal that regret brings you [back]
And [now] I will watch you
Take a look at yourself oh,
You were so happy because of what happened to me
and you didn't even think of hiding it
Now you're regretting it?
Please don't waste my time
Your suffering soothed my suffering1
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
And it is normal that regret brings you [back]
And [now] I will watch you
The world changes in a moment
The time has come for you to be small
And what has happened to you is enough
What brought you back? answer me
Believe me now you don't matter to me
And I'll leave you, I won't ask what's wrong with you
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
Yes, I feel happy at your expense
And your fault's that out of the whole world you came to me
And it is normal that regret brings you [back]
And [now] I will watch you
Take a look at yourself oh,
You were so happy because of what happened to me
and you didn't even think of hiding it
Now you're regretting it?
Please don't waste my time
Your suffering soothed my suffering1
  • 1. a. b. c. Literally: Your fire soothed my fire.. In other words, your suffering cured me/made me happy