Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Ah my little heart

Little by little
To fill the ash-tray
With cigarettes and pain
And all these only for you
But the day that I said enough has arrived
You have gone too far
And there where I had sworn
To hate you
because you hurt my little heart
You found the way with a trick
And easily
in my little life, you got into again
Ah my little heart why are you torturing me
My little heart since you don’t love me
Ah my little heart don’t harass me
My little soul please find someone else
More or less
I had a huge problem
I couldn’t neither hide it
Nor eat
That’s enough, I can not (stand)
Away from here
Go somewhere else, don’t tell me
Where you’ll go, where you’ll live

Αχ Καρδούλα Μου

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