Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Aion ouk est etumos
Kale ansemi
Oud ebas en neusin euselmois
Logos outos
Oud ikeo pergama troias
Atela atela kale ansemi
Ok es eutos logos autos
Atela tela tela
Kale ansemi
Ok es eutos logos outos


Time is not the true account,
O beautiful, if I tell you,
Nor did you go in the well-decked ships.
This account.
Nor did you go back to the citadels of Troy.
Forever ah, forever ah, o beautiful, if I tell you.
This account isn't thus..
Forever ah, forever ah, forever ah,
O beautiful, if I tell you.
This account isn't thus..
This translation is based on the following Greek-alphabet rendition:
Αἰῶν οὔκ ἐστ' ἔτυμος,
Καλή, ἄν σ' ἠμί,
Οὐδ' ἔβας ἐν νηῦσιν εὐσέλμοις.
Λόγος οὗτος.
Οὐδ' ἴκεο πέργαμα Τροίας.
Ἀτελ' ἆ, ἀτελ' ἆ, καλή, ἄν σ' ἠμί.
Οὔκ ἐστ' ἐοῦτος λόγος αὐτός.
Ἀτελ' ἆ, ἀτελ' ἆ, ἀτελ' ἆ,
Καλή, ἄν σ' ἠμί.
Οὔκ ἐστ' ἐοῦτος λόγος αὐτός.
It doesn't make much sense, and is credited to a "free inspiration from Aristophanes" when it contains two or three quotes from Stesichorus which came to us via a dialogue by Plato. The text also doesn't match the video at all, cfr. my comment to the lyrics, where I try to make sense of the actual text, with not-too-satisfying results because it's another semi-nonsense mashup. The Italian "translation" has much more Aristophanes, but still has the Stesichorus quote "This account is not the true one", mistranslated. It doesn't match this text no matter how you try to interpret it.
Tempo | Time
No, questa storia non è favola | No, this story isn't a tale,
Cos'è, era un tempo lontano | What is it, it was a far-away time
Pieni di forza giovanile | Full of juvenile strength
Tempo | Time
In battaglia | In battle
Imbevuti di rabbia antica | [We were] soaked with ancient anger
Le frecce nascondevano il cielo | The arrows hid the sky
Con la lancia e lo scudo | With the spear and the shield
Eravamo terribili | We were terrible
Ora i capelli fioriscono | Now the hair flowers
Più bianchi dei cigni | Whiter than swans
Per colpa del tempo | Because of time
Stefano Saletti e Piccola Banda Ikona: トップ3