Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Just How I met you

Oh Love!
To you I owe this sadness,
but I also owe you so much joy
I want to be sincere in this farewell
I doubt that anyone greater than you
exists in this life.
Oh Love!
Although it was just a mirage,
I won't be the one to speak wrong
of what you did.
The good things you gave me are worth more.
and if you won or lost, you only know that.
Oh Love,
although I am so in love,
I must leave
this is too much.
You know well
that I am there when you need me
But you will also not die without me
You are the beginning, I am the end...
Oh Love,
I swear I don't regret it,
Although I know
I was only your pastime.
I must leave,
My dignity is calling,
I won't say when or where,
Just how I met you.

Así como te conocí

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Así como te conocí のコレクション
Marco Antonio Solís: トップ3