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A Tramp And A Princess

Crazy night, I’m a guy
with a bad reputation in this city
And who are you? And she says, crazy night
I used to be mummy’s princess
up until now
And what came over me
They’re looking for you, it’s midnight already
They’re looking for you, what will daddy say?
a tramp and a princess as a couple
that doesn’t work
The day is dawning
I’m a guy with bad reputation
in this city, You got to go
and she says, but, it isn't necessary
I’d like to stay with you a bit longer
you’re really nice, one more night
But they’re looking for you, it’s morning already
But they’re looking for you, what will daddy say
a tramp and a princess as a couple that doesn’t work
I told her I was fed up with
princesses and all other
deceited women and with her as well
I told her I’d leave
from this silly city
and to let me sleep

Bitanga i princeza

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Bitanga i princeza のコレクション
Bijelo Dugme: トップ3