Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Braća po krvi

Koliko potrebno je krvi i suza da se prolije
koliko dece je potrebno da se pobije
koliko metaka treba da se ispali
da shvatimo da srušili smo sve što smo imali.
Želim slobodu i da li je to previše
vreme rane ne leči i vreme suze ne briše.
Često tražim sreću ispod neba Balkana.
Pitam se, da li sve to ima smisla danas.
Braća po krvi, koja je prolivena
za neki tuđi interes i neku tuđu neman
Za bogataše koji su punili džepove,
nevina su deca prerano punila grobove
i sad mi kažite zašto da vas mrzim
zato što niste hrišćani ili što niste Srbi
al' ste mi braća po državi i krvi.
Bog nam nije isti ali isti smo ljudi.
Jer krv ne zavisi od kape koju nosim
i krv ne zavisi od Boga kom se molim
i krv ne zavisi od crkve ili džamije
zbog kojih su majke svoje sinove sahranile
Gde je tu pravda pitajte hladne grobnice
masakrirane leševe, decu i udovice.
Radite šta hoćete, ubijajte se, koljite
al' mene preskočite, ja vas se odričem.
Vidio sam suze, bol
vidio sam majke što plaču,
šta ću, kako ću dalje brate moj.
Ovdje gubim svaku nadu.
Gledam braću bez posla,
rane stare bolit će vječno
probat ću isti ostat'
al' znam, mogu samo jedno
Trudit' se, bit' bolji čovjek
ne mogu mrziti ljude,
radi par bolesnih umova.
To nije pošteno druže.
Ne sudim ljude po imenu, već po djelima.
Ovo pišem za Vedrana, Admira,
mržnjo odjebi ba
od Niša do Sa,
čuješ crkvu i ezan,
dok srce kuca za ljubav
priča nas vodi u beskraj
Putem ponora od goreg da napravim nešto.
Prokletstvo i ljubomora kod mene nemaju mjesto
oči kada se otvore, budan nastavljam da sanjam
da musliman za jarana ima Srbina i Hrvata.
Šta je?
Mrzi, pljuj me, pogrešno shvati, zaboli me
ako si dobar čovjek, voliš brate, znaj da volim te.
Bože usliši molitve, vrati nam život nazad
vrati osmijeh na lice,
da možemo mirno zaspat'.
A pred Bogom svi smo isti
čeka nas mir ili kazna, nekima hir i prokletstvo,
a nama druga priča.
Vazda tol'ko toga nas razdvaja
barem muzika nas spaja.
Riječi prospemo k'o alkohol za paloga jarana.
Ruke širim ka nebu, koračam kao po ledu
opet sanjam brate moj, da sutra biće sve u redu.

Brothers by blood

How much blood and tears is suppossed to get spilled
How many children is suppossed to get killed
How many bullets is suppossed to get fired
For us to figure out that we crashed everything we had
I want freedom and is that too much
Time doesn't heal wounds and it doesn't wipe tears.
I search happiness often under the Balkan sky
I wonder, does it all make sense today
Brothers by blood, that was spilled
for someone else's interest and monster
For the rich who filled their pockets,
Innocent children filled graves too soon
And now tell me why should I hate you
Because you're not Christians or Serbs
But you're my brothers by country and by blood
Our God is not the same but we're the same people
'Cause blood doesn't depend on the hat I wear
And it doesn't depend on the God I pray to
And it doesn't depend on a church or a mosque
For which mothers burried their sons
Where is the justice there ask cold tombs
Massacred corpses, children and widows
Do what you want, kill each other, slaughter
But skip me, I renounce you.
I saw tears, pain
I saw mothers that cry,
what shall I do, how shall I proceed, my brother.
I loose every hope here.
I watch brothers with no job
Old wounds will hurt forever
I'll try to stay the same
But I know, I can do only one thing
To try, be a better man
I can't hate people,
Because of a few sick minds.
That's not fair dude.
I don't judge people by a name, but by their doings
I'm writing this for Vedran, Admir
Hate fuck off
From Niš to Sa
You can hear church and Adhan,
While the heart is beating for love
The story is leading us to the infinity
Through the abyss, to make something better from the worse.
Malediction and jelaousy don't have a place with me
When eyes open, I dream awake
For a muslim to have a Serb and a Croat for a friend
What is it?
Hate me, spit on me, misunderstand, I don't care
If you're a good man, you love, know that I love you.
God answer the prayers, give us our life back
Give us back our smile,
so we could sleep in peace.
And in front of God we're all the same
Peace or punishment awaits us, to some a whim and a curse,
A different story to us.
Many things always separate us
At least music bounds us.
We spill words like alcohol for a fallen friend.
arms outstretched to the sky, I walk like I walk on ice
I dream once again my brother, that tomorrow everything will be fine
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