Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Path of Roses

You see, for whatever happens, it's already past.
I know that time is not a game,
you don't create it... I don't think I'm dreaming
and just when it starts, it's yesterday...
But it is you, you transform,
you revert, you play... that's your virtue.
You laugh at time and it's power,
and you make me forget about yesterday.
I am the commander of your beautiful footsteps,
general of your destinations,
master of your mouth.
And it amazes me that I don't know you
only that you appear and everything changes.
But I forget your name and it's my loss.
I don't dare to ask you again.
Path of roses, for whoever knows.
A path of thorns for those who are late.
I walk slowly, let everything amaze me.
After our time together, I will remember your name.
Path of roses, for whoever knows.
A path of thorns for those who are late.
I walk slowly, let everything amaze me.
After our time together, I will remember your name.
I am the commander of your beautiful footsteps,
general of your destinations,
master of your mouth.
And it amazes me that I don't know you
only that you appear and everything changes.
But I forget your name and it's my loss.
I don't dare to ask you again.
Path of roses, for whoever knows.
A path of thorns for those who are late.
I walk slowly, let everything amaze me.
After our time together, I will remember your name.
After our time together, I will remember your name.
After this time together, I will remember your name.

Camino de rosas

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