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  • I Muvrini

    Te Deum → スペイン語 の翻訳

  • 2 回翻訳した
    スペイン語, 英語
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Te Deum

Te Deum laudamus:
te Dominum confitemur.
Te aeternum Patrem
omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli;
tibi caeli et universae Potestates;
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim
incessabili voce proclamant:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus,
Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra
maiestatis gloriae tuae.
in te Domine speravi,
non confundar in aeternum
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus,
Deus Sabaoth.
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus,
Deus Sabaoth.

A ti Dios

A ti Dios te alabamos:
A ti Señor te reconocemos.
A ti eterno Padre
te venera toda la Tierra.
Todos los ángeles,
los cielos y las potestades del Universo,
los querubines y los serafines,
te cantan sin cesar:
Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor,
Dios Todopoderoso.
Los cielos y la tierra están llenos
de la majestad de tu gloria.
En ti Señor he puesto mi esperanza
para no quedar para siempre en la confusión.
Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor,
Dios Todopoderoso.
Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor,
Dios Todopoderoso.
I Muvrini: トップ3
Anton MAnton M
   日, 07/08/2022 - 10:30

It is curious that even very experienced translators of Latin do not agree on how to translate this word. It seems that Latin leaves a lot of room for the listener's imagination to adapt to the context of the sentence.

Here are some examples (the one I have chosen for this word is the official translation of the Catholic church):

Dominus Deus Sabaoth → God of power and might
Dominus Deus Sabaoth → Lord God of Sabaoth → Dios de los ejércitos
Dominus Deus Sabaoth → Lord God of Hosts!
Dominus Deus Sabaoth → Dios del Universo

The origin of the latin word "Sabaoth" is hebrew and means "rest" sabbat.

I'm going to leave a "Proofreading requested" and let see if appears a fluent latin translator.

ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    日, 07/08/2022 - 13:44

Perhaps is a name of God, like Yahweh amd not an adjective. Saint Epiphanius said is an adjective, meaning Almighty, Powerful God. I believe you should let it untranslated though. Sabaoth. In greek it sounds better , it resonates with ουρανός ( 3 syllables, stress on o ) in this hymn. Άγιος, Αγιος, Αγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ, πλήρης ο ουρανός και η γη της δόξης σου.

   木, 18/08/2022 - 18:01

Hi, Flora and Anton. I asked the expert. Here is what Moshe told me:
צבאות - Tzvaot - plural for army - armies, hosts.
אדוני צבאות הוא איתי - the master of armies (or hosts) is with me.

He also suggested me this page
where it says:

YHWH Tzevaot
The name YHWH and the title Elohim frequently occur with the word tzevaot or sabaoth ("hosts" or "armies", Hebrew: צבאות) as YHWH Elohe Tzevaot ("YHWH God of Hosts"), Elohe Tzevaot ("God of Hosts"), Adonai YHWH Tzevaot ("Lord YHWH of Hosts") and, most frequently, YHWH Tzevaot ("YHWH of Hosts").

This compound name occurs chiefly in the prophetic literature and does not appear at all in the Torah, Joshua or Judges. The original meaning of tzevaot may be found in 1 Samuel 17:45, where it is interpreted as denoting "the God of the armies of Israel". The word, in this special use is used to designate the heavenly host, while otherwise it always means armies or hosts of men, as, for example, in Exodus 6:26, 7:4, 12:41.

Anton MAnton M
   金, 19/08/2022 - 11:49

Thank you!

According to this, the translation would be:

Deus Sabaoth → Dios de los ejércitos

Is this correct?

   金, 19/08/2022 - 12:09

Yes, literally. But also todopoderoso, almyghty, and whatever recalls the strenght of God's power

Anton MAnton M
   金, 19/08/2022 - 13:36

Only for the sake of curiosity I've done something that can appear as unorthodox and meaningless:

google : sabaoth todopoderoso                  About 134,000 results

google : sabaoth ejercitos                          About 24,500 results

google: sabaoth  "Dios del Universo"         About 7,600 result


The presence of the word "sabaoth" ensures that the page is dealing with sommething deep   :)

The rest of the words select the pages that are trying to do a spanish  translation in most cases.

 Tough I don't believe in democracy in this context (among so many translators, only those with an advanced level should be considered)

but hey,  the winner goes to the translation  o:)


Thank you all for your help,