Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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How Many Times

Time has passed around here
Since that night when we lost the battle
And we chose the distance
Every day I wanted to repeat
Those kisses of yours that I missed so much
But I could not find anyone else to match you
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
Sometimes even if you say no
You have a stubborn heart
And that simple is it which decides
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it

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Carlos Rivera: トップ3
   火, 19/10/2021 - 13:18

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.