Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Barefoot I come at the end of my childhood
But my childhood is not yet dead.
Behind my childhood, is still the distance,
Infant God, Jesus of my childhood,
All I have, and I have nothing, is yours
I come from a strange night of poets,
A night in which the world never understood me
Look I bring empty hands from the poets,
Infant God, a friend of the poets,
All I have, and I have nothing, is yours
A dart smote me, I bloodied the streets
Where the devil appeared to me in vain.
Because all the stars were yours
Baby brother of those who err on the streets
All I have, and I have nothing, is yours!
Those who ignore you ignore those who are sad
Oh my brother Jesus, sad as I am
Oh my brother, child with sad eyes,
I have nothing more beyond sad eyes
But what I have, and I have nothing, is yours!


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Amália Rodrigues: トップ3