Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Fenesta ca lucive

Fenesta ca lucive e mo nun luce,
segn' è ca Nenna mia stace malata.
S'affaccia la surella e me lo dice:
"Nennella toia è morta e s'o atterrata!"
Chiagneva sempe ca durmeva sola,
mo dorme cu' li muorte accumpagnata!
mo dorme cu' li muorte accumpagnata!
Addio fenesta, restate 'nzerrata,
ca Nenna mia mo non se po affacciare.
Io cchiù nun passaraggio da sta strata,
vaco a lu Camposanto a passiare.
Zi Parrocchiano mio, tience cura,
na lampa sempre tience allummata.

Window that was lighted

Window that was lighted and now it's dark,
it means my Nenna is sick.
Her sister looks out and says:
"your Nennella died and now is buried!"
She always cried because she was sleeping alone,
now she is sleeping accompanied by the dead!
now she is sleeping accompanied by the dead!
Farewell window, you can stay close,
because now my Nenna can't look out.
I'll never cross again this street,
I go for a walk at the graveyard.
My dear priest, take care,
always hold a bright tealight