nothing - A Global Disasterの歌詞 + 英語 の翻訳
Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
  • nothing

    A Global Disaster → 英語 の翻訳

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A Global Disaster

A soldier has fallen for his country.
A boy has been killed because of the draft.
People are being burned as we sleep.
So why aren't we doing anything?
Why don't we care?
Is it because we think they are not people?
They are rats?
Is this what you think of them?
How could anyone think of such a monstrous thing?
Why don't you help the people being killed?
No one believed the man who warned them.
They thought that he was crazy.
He could've helped them.
But no one believed him.
Now? People are dead.
And now it is happening again.
Но все же: никому нет дела!
Нам нужна помощь.
Кто-то, кто-то, помогите нам!

A Global Disaster

A soldier has fallen for his country.
A boy has been killed because of the draft.
People are being burned as we sleep.
So why aren't we doing anything?
Why don't we care?
Is it because we think they are not people?
They are rats?
Is this what you think of them?
How could anyone think of such a monstrous thing?
Why don't you help the people being killed?
No one believed the man who warned them.
They thought that he was crazy.
He could've helped them.
But no one believed him.
Now? People are dead.
And now it is happening again.
But it is still that: nobody cares!
We need help.
Somebody, somebody, help us!
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.
Туна ЧеневскаяТуна Ченевская    土, 25/04/2020 - 03:57

I was thinking if "but it is still that" sounds more natural here? However since your native language is English, I would like to hear what you think :)