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قدرك ربي لقلبي
عشق يوم الله قسم
يزرعك بين أمنياتي
وأغنياتي وكلكلي
« أي أحبك »
حب لا ينقص ولا يقبل لمم
وإن وصفتك وصف
وصفي فيك وصف الأوشلي
اعرفي إنك لا رقيتي
ترتقين أعلى القمم
وإن نزلتي يا عيوني
في عيوني تنزلي
وازهميني يا عساي
فدى مواطي من زهم
أنحني لك بالزنابق
والحديث المخملي
« عشت حرا وسأبقى ، ذاك أمرا قد حتم
بديار تجعل التبر ترابا أسفل
لسنا ممن يرتضي في العيش ذلا أو عدم
قد جبلنا نعشق العز وخوض الجلجل
بلحاظ تقذف الموت شرارا وحمم
وسيوف مرهفات ورماح ذبل
شاء ربي إن ربي ذو جلال وكرم
أن يساق المجد طوعا بعد عهد أمحل »
هذا أنا كلي لكلك
لا كلالة ولا ندم
من بداية قصتي كإنسان
حتى تسدلي
شفت فيك الخير
والخير المعظم والأعم
ما بخلتي حيث مثلك
ما يشح ويبخلي
قبل أسمي وأتسمى
وأتهجى وأنفطم
وقبل أحامي وأتحامى
وأتعلم وأمتلي
وقبل قال وقيل وقلت
« وقبل كان وكيف وكم »
وإنتي مني وإنتي فيني
وإنتي ستري اللي علي
« عشت حرا وسأبقى ، ذاك أمرا قد حتم
بديار تجعل التبر ترابا أسفل
لسنا ممن يرتضي في العيش ذلا أو عدم
قد جبلنا نعشق العز وخوض الجلجل
بلحاظ تقذف الموت شرارا وحمم
وسيوف مرهفات ورماح ذبل
شاء ربي إن ربي ذو جلال وكرم
أن يساق المجد طوعا بعد عهد أمحل »
أنا طرق من البياض
المحض والرقم الأهم
وأنا علمي علم أبوي
وعلم جدي الأولي
ما ركبني الكبر لكن
أنا ابن عمه لزم
حيث ربي بالمكارم
والمغانم مكملي
علم غانم قد بنيته
صيت له نبض واسم
بي من الأجمل كثير
ويبقى اسمي أجملي
كيف ما يلحق كلامي
غرور وأشعر بالعظم
وأتحاشى لا مشيت
أطي البسيطة بأرجلي
« عشت حرا وسأبقى ، ذاك أمرا قد حتم
بديار تجعل التبر ترابا أسفل
لسنا ممن يرتضي في العيش ذلا أو عدم
قد جبلنا نعشق العز وخوض الجلجل
بلحاظ تقذف الموت شرارا وحمم
وسيوف مرهفات ورماح ذبل
شاء ربي إن ربي ذو جلال وكرم
أن يساق المجد طوعا بعد عهد أمحل »
والله الله قد خلقني
غير عن كل الأمم
فارس كويتي وشاني
شان قدري معتلي
كل شي يعود أصله
وأنا أعود لك نعم
مثلما المصقول يرجع
لأرجع للصيقلي
قدرك ربي لقلبي
عشق يوم الله قسم
يزرعك بين أمنياتي
وأغنياتي وكلكلي
أي أحبك
حب لا ينقص ولا يقبل لمم
وإن وصفتك وصف
وصفي فيك وصف الأوشلي
« عشت حرا وسأبقى ، ذاك أمرا قد حتم
بديار تجعل التبر ترابا أسفل
لسنا ممن يرتضي في العيش ذلا أو عدم
قد جبلنا نعشق العز وخوض الجلجل
بلحاظ تقذف الموت شرارا وحمم
وسيوف مرهفات ورماح ذبل
شاء ربي إن ربي ذو جلال وكرم
أن يساق المجد طوعا بعد عهد أمحل »

The Hollow of My Neck

My Lord has ordained you, to be for my heart,
An object of ardour, all the way back when He first destined [all the things that were to be]
He planted your seed middlemost amongst the wishes I wish,
The songs I sing, and the hollow of my neck
"Yes, I love you"
A love that neither diminishes nor tolerates lapses of judgement
And if I were to describe you in any way,
My description would be comparable to a stream of water on the side of a mountain
Just know that when you arise,
You reach the highest zeniths
And when you come back down, O eyes of mine1
It is into my eyes that you come down
Rub your grease into me, you whose
Footsteps may I wallow in grease to keep clean
I bow down before you with lilies
And speech of velvet
"I've lived my life a freeman and so shall I ever be, this much has been settled
In a homeland that makes gold ore seem like the most base of dust
We are not of the ilk that consents to a life of humiliation or nullification
It is in our nature to fervently love dignity and clamorous clashes
With the corners of our eyes shooting death as sparks and lava
And with sword honed and spear weathered
Such is the will of my Lord—Exalted and Gracious be He,
That glory should come to be ours, by its own volition, after an era of drought"
Here I am, offering my all to your all
With no gripes and no regrets
From the very start of my story as a person
And until the curtain is drawn
In you, I've bore witness to good fortune
The most abundant and far-reaching of it
You've never been one to be stingy, even where the rest
Would have got stingy and given little
Even before I could name things and even before I became distinct
Even before I could spell words, and even before I was weaned
And even before I gained strength and even before I feigned strength
And even before I learnt a thing and even before I filled up
And even before the hearsay of him and her and me and that
"And even before the was and how and even before how many and how much,"
You were part of me all along, and within my depths, I held on to you
And you were the cloak beneath which I've shielded myself
"I've lived my life a freeman and so shall I ever be, this much has been settled
In a homeland that makes gold ore seem like the most base of dust
We are not of the ilk that consents to a life of humiliation or nullification
It is in our nature to fervently love dignity and clamorous clashes
With the corners of our eyes shooting death as sparks and lava
And with sword honed and spear weathered
Such is the will of my Lord—Exalted and Gracious be He,
That glory should come to be ours, by its own volition, after an era of drought"
I am a meteor of sheer
Whiteness and worthiest calibre
My knowledge is that of my father
And my forefather before him
I've not been overcome by arrogance, it's just
That it's my very first cousin
For, you see, my Lord has selected me
And bestowed upon me, that I may attain perfection
Profitable knowledge I've assembled
A reputation that has got a heartbeat and a name
So many of the best qualities present in me
But the best amongst them remains that name I've got
How can you expect what I say not to be followed
By a hint of haughtiness, and expect me not to have a hint of megalomania
Stepping around the out-stretched ground, as I walk,
Lest I tread it with my foot
"I've lived my life a freeman and so shall I ever be, this much has been settled
In a homeland that makes gold ore seem like the most base of dust
We are not of the ilk that consents to a life of humiliation or nullification
It is in our nature to fervently love dignity and clamorous clashes
With the corners of our eyes shooting death as sparks and lava
And with sword honed and spear weathered
Such is the will of my Lord—Exalted and Gracious be He,
That glory should come to be ours, by its own volition, after an era of drought"
By God, God has created me
To be unlike any other nation
A Kuwaiti horseman of prestige
A prestige of the highest distinction
Everything must end back right where it started
And it is to you that I go back, it is!
The same way that a polished sword goes back [into its sheath]
I too shall go back to that which polished me
My Lord has ordained you, to be for my heart,
An object of ardour, all the way back when He first destined [all the things that were to be]
He planted your seed middlemost amongst the wishes I wish,
The songs I sing, and the hollow of my neck
Yes, I love you
A love that neither diminishes nor tolerates lapses of judgement
And if I were to describe you in any way,
My description would be comparable to a stream of water on the side of a mountain
"I've lived my life a freeman and so shall I ever be, this much has been settled
In a homeland that makes gold ore seem like the most base of dust
We are not of the ilk that consents to a life of humiliation or nullification
It is in our nature to fervently love dignity and clamorous clashes
With the corners of our eyes shooting death as sparks and lava
And with sword honed and spear weathered
Such is the will of my Lord—Exalted and Gracious be He,
That glory should come to be ours, by its own volition, after an era of drought"
  • 1. As we've covered in the Ahlam song, 'O eyes of mine' is a term of endearment
Idioms from "كلكلي"
Eva PriestleyEva Priestley    木, 19/11/2020 - 21:00

Gosh, this song is so dense! And the dialect is so THICK that I couldn't even pick out words when listening. Hence I had to submit it to pick it apart like one big tasty puzzle! Thank you ya Nisween!

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 05:00

Gulf people like to slur, man! :D Ask about any words you need for the transliteration, and I'll tell you the standard and dialect pronunciation. You're only allowed 200 words at most though. Your "look"-y ways have no power here, succubus! 😒

Eva PriestleyEva Priestley    金, 20/11/2020 - 09:48

Well we will have to have نبض cause I'm still so confused over it!!!
Could you tell me some more info on the word الأوشلي too?

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 11:09

Yeah, but I'm not just asking about نبض, what other words do you find you're having difficulty with as you transliterate the text?

About أوشلي, as you remember from the Zubrugaan song, this Youssef fellow, well, let's just say the lexicographer who compiled whatever thesaurus he owns should legally be listed as a co-author for all of his poems! For all intents and purposes, أوشال isn't a word that your average native speaker would know. But anyway, according to online dictionaries, أوشال can be defined alternately as:
مياهٌ تسيل من أَعراض الجبال ، فتجتمع ثم تُساق إلى المزارع
(water that runs from the boulders of the mountains, which pools together, and is then taken out to the farms)
الماءُ القليلُ يتحلَّب من جبل أَو صخرة ولا يتَّصل قَطُره
(meagre quantities of water that percolate from a mountain or a rock, and whose drops do not actually connect together to form a coherent stream)
الماء: قطراته التي تنزل متتابعة ''جلس في الحديقة يستمع إلى صوت العصافير وأوشال الماء''
([of water:] drops of it that fall one after the other 'He was sat in the garden, listening to the sound of the birds and the أوشال of water.')

Oh, and the final ي of أوشلي isn't actually part of the word, it's just that occasionally Arabic poetry adds a redundant long -i sound after a final consonant for scansion, that's all.

Eva PriestleyEva Priestley    金, 20/11/2020 - 11:23

To be fair, that's the only word I really had any issue with. Just watched the video you linked of this Youssef fellow and OMG I love the DRAMA of it!!! You know the iPhone emoji of the hand with the fingernails been painted? This video of him has this energy lmao. ~DRAMA~
He seems to pronounce if Nabodh there, how do you hear it in the song?

Thank you for this in depth explanation! Complete with example sentences, ya Ustadha! Now my Arabic vocabulary is made up of entirely love-related words, vegetables and very vague specific words like أوشل

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 11:42

Looooooooool, is that what the fingernails being painted mean? People keep using it and I never knew it had anything to do with drama! 🤣 At any rate, nabodh is just about how a Gulf person says نبض! :D I'm comfortable with نبض myself. Maybe it's like with Korean ㄴ? I always hear ㄴ as ㄷ in Korean songs, and the Westerners in the comments always say the same thing, but then the Koreans are always so surprised that we don't CLEARLY hear an N and not a D! Maybe that's what's going on here!

It's the word immediately after that got me second guessing myself. In the poem, he says نسم, but I think I hear اسم in the song. If we assume that I am wrong and that it is نسم rather than اسم, that would make the translation "a reputation with a heartbeat and a fragrance," rather than one with "a heartbeat and a name."

Eva PriestleyEva Priestley    金, 20/11/2020 - 12:05

Yeah! It's like ~drama~ tea~ a flex~ I am feeling myself ~ I am fabulous~~~~
It could be that! I kept thinking I heard لون but maybe my ears are just trying to distinguish words in all the Kuwaiti slurring. And same with the Korean ㅁ and ㅂ! Love to keep us on our toes

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 12:11

Hahaha, Language Exchange Request: your Emojiese for my Arabic :D
Keep in mind that a Kuwaiti person would not pronounce it 'lawwn' like a Lebanese person, but more like English 'lone.'

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 13:02

Oh, and I feel another nerd attack coming, but maybe the reason you're hearing it as لون is that many people in the Gulf velarise their 'pharyngealised' consonants: sounds like ص ض ط ظ, that in Egypt or Lebanon, would be pronounced with a tightening at the top of the throat, well, in the Gulf, that tightening is further to the front, more towards the back of the mouth, where the sound /w/ is pronounced, and this can make it sound like everything they say has an extra /w/ in it, like they're always pouting their lips. So maybe it's the effect of ض in نبض on its neighbouring ب that makes you hear the ب as و and hence interpret the whole word as لون.

That plus the consonant cluster بض /bth/, which might sound like a long /thth/ because both sounds are "obstruents" and so they kind of blend in together, and since it'd be hard to lengthen a ض sound like that, your mind decides that it sounds more like /nnn/.

Eva PriestleyEva Priestley    金, 20/11/2020 - 16:42

I keep listening to try and wrap my head, or ears, around it, and I think you might be right here. I did have a feeling that the ض could be throwing me off as it's sometimes so soft in the Kuwaiti dialect that it's barely there. Similarly, earlier in the song, the word يوم is so caught in the slurring of the words that it sounds more like "oum" than "youm" - so could be a case of it happening here. Maybe I'm hearing Nawth and not Nabodh?

Readwriting BonnetReadwriting Bonnet    金, 20/11/2020 - 11:44

I like to joke that because of Rammstein, when I first started learning German, I could talk about incest before I could ask for a table for two! That's just what happens when you learn a language from songs! :P

MJ-Q8MJ-Q8    金, 20/11/2020 - 14:23

┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
┊ ┊ 🌟 ˚❤️ ⋆。 🌺
⊹ Beautiful & Very Soulful Song 
┊ . ˚ 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
🌟 Thanks for the great 
...... translation work  👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾