Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Lá porque tens cinco pedras

Lá porque tens cinco pedras
Num anel de estimação
Agora falas comigo
Com cinco pedras na mão!
Enquanto nesses brilhantes
Tens soberba e tens vaidade,
Eu tenho as pedras da rua
Pra passear à vontade!
Pobre de mim, não sabia
Que o teu olhar sedutor
Não errava a pontaria
Como a pedra do pastor
Mas não passas sorridente
A alardear satisfeito
Pois hei de chamar-te à pedra
Pelo mal que me tens feito!
E hás de ficar convencido
Da afirmação consagrada:
"Quem tem telhados de vidro
Não deve andar à pedrada"

Because of five gems...

Now because of five precious gems,
Adorning a new ring of yours,
Lately you're talking to me
Like you're throwing stones at me.
Whereas you find in these brilliants
Much pride and vanity,
I have all the streets of stone
To come and go as much as I please
Woe is me, I didn't know
That your seducing look
Always hits the bull's eye
As accurately as a shepherd's aim
But don't you dare pass by me,
Smiling from ear to ear,
With air of satisfaction in your face,
Because, surely, I'll throw a stone at you
For all the wrong you did to me
And then, you'll convice yourself
Of the truth in that old saying
" If your roof is made of glass..."
"Don't throw stones at your neighbor's house"
Amália Rodrigues: トップ3
Idioms from "Lá porque tens cinco..."
picavetpicavet    土, 14/03/2015 - 17:00

"I don't know why on earth the poet talks about the aiming skills of a shepherd."
Look on the Internet for "the shepherd's sling". In my part of the world the shepherd had a long stick with a small shovel at the end with which he would pick up some dirth or a small stone to throw at a sheep that was not staying with the flock or to incite it to carry on. See: and

   火, 24/07/2018 - 11:02

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.

   土, 23/01/2021 - 12:22

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.