Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Les brases [Hellfire]

Beata Maria,
Ja saps que sóc un home bo,
Tinc l'orgull de dir-me bon cristià.
Beata Maria,
Ningú no hi ha més pur que jo,
En mi no trobo rastre de pecat.
Doncs diga'm Maria,
què pretén ballant així,
juga amb la meva ànima com vol.
La sento, la miro,
el sol que encén els seus cabells,
em deixa abandonat al seu control.
Les brases, m'abrasen,
tinc brases dins la carn.
Se'm claven, espases,
que em porten cap al mal.
Jo no he pecat! Jo no he fet res.
La culpa és seva, sí! És ella qui m'ha encès!
Jo no he pecat! És Déu qui ho fa.
Posant a prova la virtut del ser humà!
Defensa'm Maria,
Que estic sotmès al seu govern,
no veus que se m'està cremant el cor.
Sotmet Esmeralda,
Que tasti el foc de tot l'Infern
o fes que sigui meva fins la mort.
Infame, gitana,
És hora de triar.
A mi o a les brases,
rendeix-te o cremaràs!
Déu apiada't de tots...
Déu apiada't de mi...
Si no és sols per a mi,
ja pots cremar!

The Embers

Blessed Mary,
you know that I'm a good man,
I'm proud to call myself a good Christian.
Blessed Mary,
there's no other as good as I,
I can't find a trace of sin within me.
So tell me, Mary
what does she intend by dancing like that?
she's playing with my soul however she likes.
I feel her, I see her
the sun that shines in her hair
leaving me at the mercy of her control.
The embers embrace me
I have embers under my skin.
Nailed down, (like) swords
that lead me towards evil.
I haven't sinned! I've done nothing,
it's her fault, yes! she's the one who has enticed me!
I haven't sinned! it was God's doing
to put to test man's virtue!
Protect me Maria,
for I am under her control,
don't you see how my heart is burning?
Subject Esmeralda
let her taste all the fires of hell
or make her mine until death.
Infamous gypsy,
it's time to decide.
It's either me or the embers,
give up or you'll burn!
God have mercy on them all
God have mercy on me
if she isn't mine alone
let her burn already!
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