Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
  • Ruža Nikolić Lakatos

    Love Amerikake → 英語 の翻訳

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Love Amerikake

Yoy de bit'indan
pe lovende
Pe love la Amerikake
Bit'indan ma streynonge
Nas tuke mila mamo
anda mande
Nas tuke mila dade
misto mande
Yoy de si ma yek rom
kon marel ma
Tay o sokro našavel ma
pe vulici la Amerikake
Nas lenge mila mamo
pala mande
Nas lenge mila dade
misto mande
Yoy de vi marel ma
vi kušen ma
Mamo pača von čiden ma
Yoy de vi d'esenca
vi račanca
Vuš'tav tay delma tele
e asvenca
Vuš'tav tay delma tele
e asvenca
Yoy de žutin mamo
žutin dade
Namukan man te yasayvav
aventar te ingeren ma
Tay streynonde mamo
namuken ma
Tay streynonde dade
namuken ma

Money of America

Oh, just, (you both) sold me
For money
For America's money
Sold me to strangers
You had no pity mom
For me
You had no pity dad
To me
Oh, just, I have one husband
Who beats me
And the father-in-law drives me away
To the streets of America
They had no pity mom
For me
They had no pity daddy
To me
Oh, yes, and he (husband) beats me
And they scold me
Mom, they don't give me peace
Oh, yes, and for days
And at night
Rise I up and humiliate me
With tears
Rise I up and humiliate me
With tears
Oh, just, help (you both) mom
Help dad
Don't let me die/perish
They come to take me away
And to strangers mom
Don't let me go
And to strangers dad
Don't let me go
Love Amerikake のコレクション
Idioms from "Love Amerikake"