Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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La La

Repeat again how you missed me
How you endured our minutes apart
And tell me about what you were silent
When you held my hands gently.
To me, every word is like new
All the words- they're just words
Like leaves falling from the branches
And they'll barely be able to help
Describe this day and this night
All the words- they're just words
Again twenty-five or two by two
La-la birch trees, and then catsoup.
But it's all not right, not there, not about it.
You didn't call and didn't write
It's been half an hour- maybe it's work.
But I must know and you need to yourself
Tell me how much you want to see me.
And so, word after word, it repeats again.
How to tell you about love?
Not saying words- roses, tears, carrot.
So that the blood would remember the 100 degree fever's delirium
And the most important words- there are no words!
And there are touches of electric current,
Gazes pulled up, pulled up by the veil
And with the breath of the tide against the side of the ship
But all you want is just la-la-la


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