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  • Bikini

    Mielőtt elmegyek → 英語 の翻訳

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Before I'm gone

In my solitude, I've been dreaming of you
That one day, you'd come back to me
Pictures that you have left here for me
It's a memory, that is
Still alive
My bad moments come back again and again
If I find you by accident
I look at you, and I understand nothing anymore
Like why have you told me as farewell:
"Before I'm gone for good,
You get a picture of me,
If you miss me, you can always look at this,
You can just tear it, too."
A grey wall, a radio, a table
A large tricot
I once got this from you
Pictures, I understand nothing anymore
Like why have you told me as farewell:
"Before I'm gone for good,
You get a picture of me,
If you miss me, you can always look at this,
You can just tear it, too." (x2)
"Before I'm gone for good,
You get a picture of me,
If you miss me, you can always look at this,
You can just tear it, too." (x2)

Mielőtt elmegyek

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Bikini: トップ3