Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Песенка об Арбате

Ты течёшь, как река. Странное название!
И прозрачен асфальт, как в реке вода.
Ах, Арбат, мой Арбат, ты - моё призвание,
Ты - и радость моя, и моя беда.
Пешеходы твои - люди не великие,
Каблуками стучат - по делам спешат.
Ах, Арбат, мой Арбат, ты - моя религия,
Мостовые твои подо мной лежат.
От любови твоей вовсе не излечишься,
Сорок тысяч других мостовых любя,
Ах, Арбат, мой Арбат, ты - моё отечество,
Никогда до конца не пройти тебя!

Kleines Lied über den Arbat

Wie du fließt, wie ein Fluss. Sonderbar der Name klingt!
Der Asphalt - transparent, klarem Wasser gleich.
Ach, Arbat, mein Arbat, die Bestimmung bist Du mir,
Du bist Freude für mich, und Du bist mein Leid.
Die Passanten auf Dir keine großen Leute sind,
Mit den klappernden Schuh'n eilen sie dahin.
Ach, Arbat, mein Arbat, Du bist meine Religion,
Deine Brücken legst Du still zu Füßen mir.1
Von der Liebe zu Dir kann ich mich niemals befrei'n,
Wenn ich auch tausende and're Brücken lieb',
Ach, Arbat, mein Arbat, Du bist für mich Heimatland,
Und niemals kann ich Dich bis zu Ende geh'n.
  • 1. wörtlich: Deine Brücken liegen unter mir.
LizzzardLizzzard    木, 03/10/2019 - 16:25

Ah Verа! Ich habe mit Vergnügen gesungen! Du bist wunderschön!

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    木, 03/10/2019 - 17:08

Ich freue mich jedesmal über Deine lieben Kommentare, gerade weil Du selbst so schöne Gedichte schreibst! :)

silencedsilenced    木, 03/10/2019 - 17:26

It works indeed. А теперь мы вместе с ним посмеемся и вместе поплачем

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    金, 04/10/2019 - 09:43

Maybe it is like the energy in this universe: Nothing can disappear, but everything is changing like a caleidoscope, sometimes you can see it, sometimes not...

silencedsilenced    金, 04/10/2019 - 10:39

That is the nice and reassuring first principle of thermodynamics. The second one is far more cruel and frightening.
Though energy (and matter, since good old Albert tells us it's one and the same) is conserved, it tends to spread and homogenize. All this marvellous complexity we strive to create and preserve is bound to end in mere puffs of heat eventually merged into an homogenous near void at near-zero temperature. That is the curse of entropy.
Striving to keep warm, knowing we'll eventually end up cold. Striving to build and repair cities, knowing they'll eventually be swallowed by earth. Striving to preserve memories, knowing they will eventually be forgotten.
We all fight an uphill battle against entropy. But, according to another Albert, it's one battle worth fighting. I believe it is.

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    金, 04/10/2019 - 12:14

How interesting! For me, the second law is a moment of peace in a world that only knows the speed of light (either spatially or temporally).

The second law is always such a beautiful explanation and excuse for laziness. And laziness is only a mortal sin for one who does not constantly move at the speed of light ... (I am a comet, you know!)

So your idea is a wonderful new aspect that I have not taken into account during my jouney through space - until now.

In a story by Haruki Murakami, there was a nice passage about a man who was about to freeze at the North Pole. He tried desperately to make a fire, though he actually longed for death, deep inside. - He also fought the inevitable as long as he could ...