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  • Carson Coma

    Peti és Én → 英語 の翻訳

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Peti and I

Peti1and I are friends
We live together, we die together
Peti and I, we're two good friends
We've conducted lots of toy battles
Peti and I, when we're mischievous
We busy ourselves with strange things
Weapons, bombs, naked women
None of these can hold a candle to Him
I'm running scared when you move away
When you're flying far without me
Peti and I, we're friends
It's just that our relationship is a bit weird
When Peti and I are together
We make trouble night and day
He doesn't know exactly how I feel
And doubts come even to me
I looked at him and he looked at Me
I was on the verge of being hypnotized
I breathed Him in like air
Nothing can hold a candle to Him
I'm running scared when you move away
When you're flying far without me
Peti and I, we're friends
It's just that our relationship is a bit weird
  • 1. A nickname for Péter which is the Hungarian version of Peter.

Peti és Én

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Carson Coma: トップ3
Idioms from "Peti és Én"