Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
  • Dino Jelusić

    Prosao Sam Sve → 英語 の翻訳

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Prosao Sam Sve

Svaku noc prije sna
pomolim se
za sve one kojih nema
za one koji sa mnom su plakali
bojali se i strepili
bez oca i sestre, hodam starim stazama
slike ranog djetinjstva gore mi u grudima
a danas nov sam covjek, idem u nove pobjede
sve sto je bilo, ostavljam iza sebe
Prosao sam sve,
sve one tuzne dane
jos mi kroz glavu prolaze
i danas mi suza kane
al' oprostio sam sve,
mada nista isto nije
glavu dizem i hodam kroz svijet
jaci sam nego ikada prije

I've been through everything

Every night, before sleeping
I pray
for the ones who are no longer here
for the ones who cried with me
for the ones who were scared and quailed
who were scared and quailed
Without a father and a sister, I walk along the old paths
The pictures of my old childhood are burning in my chest
but I am a new man today, I'm making new victories
everything that was, I'm leaving it all behind
I've been through everything
all of those sad days
they still play in my head
and today I shed my tears
But I forgave everyone for everything
although not everything is the same
I raise my head and walk across the world
I'm stronger than ever before
Dino Jelusić: トップ3