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  • Dara Rolins

    Slávik a ruža → 英語 の翻訳

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Slávik a ruža

Prichádzam s rozprávkou
ktosi ju našiel pod malou azalkou.
Tá rozprávka začína : „ Bol jeden kaštieľ...“
Bol jeden kaštieľ na konci sveta.
Dnes už vám nepoviem, kde presne stál.
A v jeden večer na sklonku leta
v ružovej záhrade začínal bál.
Kvietky si oči umyli rosou,
aby sa páčili, keď príde kráľ.
A keď si už štrngli Mesiačik s nocou,
tíško si nôtili, nech žije bál.
Každý sa bavil, šantil a skákal,
keď vtáčí orchester do tanca hral.
Len v kúte tmavom slávik sám plakal
za malou ružičkou, ktorú rád mal.
Ružička moja, prečo ma trápiš,
keď ti chcem zaspievať, keď ti chcem hrať?
Lupienok daj mi, skôr, než ho stratíš,
budem ťa polievať, veď ja ťa rád.
Ružička biela vybehla z poľa
a v kúte dvorany ostala stáť.
Aj kvietok cíti, keď láska volá
a keď ho poleješ, odkvitne rád.
Netušil nikto, čo sa tu stane,
jediným svedkom bol mesačný spln.
Zabudla ruža na ostré dlane
a malé srdiečko prepichol tŕň.
Keď ráno kvietky išli späť domov,
našli spať slávika svoj večný sen.
Plakali všetky nad jeho hrobom,
na ktorom rozkvitol ružový ker.
A z tejto pesničky už iste viete,
ako to chodieva na tomto svete.
Ak večer pôjdete kde ruže kvitnú,
hneď sa k nim netlačte, občas si pichnú.

The Nightingale and the Rose

I come bringing a fairytale
Found by someone under a tiny azalea.
This is how it begins:
“There once was a manor…”
There once was a manor at the edge of the world.
I can’t remember where exactly it stood.
And one evening at summer’s end,
A ball was about to start in the rose garden.
Flowers washed their eyes with dew
To look pretty when the king arrived.
And Moon and Night raised a toast,
Softly singing, “Let’s make merry.”
Everyone was having fun, carousing and skipping ‘round,
An orchestra of birds playing for the dancers.
But there, in the corner, a nightingale was crying alone
For a little rose whom he loved.
O my dear rose, why do you torment me so
When I want to sing for you
When I want to play for you?
Come give me a petal before you lose it,
And I’ll shower you with water, you’re so dear to me.
The dear white rose ran out of the field
And stopped short in the middle of the hall.
Even a bloom can feel love’s calling,
And when you water it, it withers gladly.
No-one suspected what would happen,
Full moon their only witness.
The rose had forgotten about her sharp hands
And one little heart got pierced with a thorn.
When the flowers went home to sleep at dawn,
They found the nightingale dreaming his eternal dream.
They all cried over his grave,
a rose bush having blossomed upon it.
And having heard this song, now you surely know
how things work in this world.
When you’re passing by those blooming roses in the evening,
Don’t get too close, they can be prickly.
Dara Rolins: トップ3
   金, 01/10/2021 - 14:39

Actually, it does say ‘withers’, though I have to agree with you that I’d find ‘blooms’ more fitting.

Олег Л.Олег Л.    金, 01/10/2021 - 15:16

OK. You know better. By the way, may you add a missing verse, please?

   土, 02/10/2021 - 17:37

Sure, but could you please tell me which one you mean?

   日, 03/10/2021 - 06:59

Ah, I see, thanks. It’s added now (and translated too) :)