Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Storia d'amore

Tu non sai cosa ho fatto quel giorno
quando io la incontrai
in spiaggia ho fatto il pagliaccio
per mettermi in mostra agli occhi di lei
che scherzava con tutti i ragazzi all'infuori di me.
Perché, perché, perché, perché io le piacevo.
Lei mi amava, mi odiava, mi amava, mi odiava,
era contro di me,
io non ero ancora il suo ragazzo
e già soffriva per me
e per farmi ingelosire quella notte lungo il mare
è venuta con te.
Ora tu vieni a chiedere a me tua moglie dov'è.
Dovevi immaginarti che un giorno o l'altro
sarebbe andata via da te.
L'hai sposata sapendo che lei, sapendo che lei moriva per me
coi tuoi soldi hai comprato il suo corpo
non certo il suo cuor.
Lei mi amava, mi odiava, mi amava, mi odiava,
era contro di me,
io non ero ancora il suo ragazzo
e già soffriva per me
e per farmi ingelosire
quella notte lungo il mare è venuta con te.
Un giorno io vidi lei
entrar nella mia stanza
mi guardava silenziosa,
aspettava un sì da me.
Dal letto io mi alzai
e tutta la guardai
sembrava un angelo.
Mi stringeva sul suo corpo,
mi donava la sua bocca,
mi diceva sono tua
ma di pietra io restai.
Io la amavo, la odiavo, la amavo, la odiavo,
ero contro di lei,
se non ero stato il suo ragazzo era colpa di lei.
E uno schiaffo all'improvviso
le mollai sul suo bel viso
rimandandola da te.
A letto ritornai
piangendo la sognai
sembrava un angelo.
Mi stringeva sul suo corpo
mi donava la sua bocca
mi diceva sono tua
e nel sogno la baciai.
A letto ritornai
piangendo la sognai
sembrava un angelo.
Mi stringeva sul suo corpo
mi donava la sua bocca
mi diceva sono tua
e nel sogno la baciai.

Love Story

You don't know what I did that day
when I met her.
On the beach I acted like a clown
to place myself in view of her eyes,
who was joking with all the boys except with me,
because, because, because.... because I appealed to her.
She loved me, hated me, loved me, hated me,
she was against me.
I wasn't yet her boyfriend
and she was already suffering for me,
and, to make me jealous, that night, along the sea,
she came with you.
Now you come to ask me where your wife is.
You should have imagined that, one day or another,
she would have gone away from you.
You married her knowing that she, knowing that she
was dying for me,
with your money you bought her body
certainly not her heart.
She loved me, hated me, loved me, hated me,
she was against me.
I wasn't yet her boyfriend
and she was already suffering for me,
and, to make me jealous,
that night, along the sea, she came with you.
One day I saw her
coming inside my room.
She was silently looking at me,
waiting for a "yes" from me.
I got up from the bed
and I looked at her thoroughly:
she seemed an angel.
She was holding me on her body,
she was offering me her mouth,
she was saying "I'm yours"
but I remained stonily.
I loved her, hated her, loved her, hated her,
I was against her.
If I hadn't been her boyfriend, it was her fault.
And, all of a sudden,
I gave her a slap on her beautiful face
sending her back to you.
I went back to bed
crying, I dreamt of her:
she seemed an angel.
She was holding me on her body,
she was offering me her mouth,
she was saying "I'm yours",
and in the dream, I kissed her.
I went back to bed
crying, I dreamt of her:
she seemed an angel.
She was holding me on her body,
she was offering me her mouth,
she was saying "I'm yours",
and in the dream, I kissed her.
Adriano Celentano: トップ3
   土, 29/10/2016 - 23:11

Ciao Michael, è un’ottima traduzione (solo un refuso nella 3° strofa “she was dying”).

L’unica cosa che mi lascia perplesso è la traduzione dell’espressione italiana “restare di pietra” (alla fine della 5° strofa).

Se lo si intende come “restare di sasso” (per lo stupore) forse questo link può essere utile

Ma più probabilmente significa restare immobile, come pietrificato, e resistere alla tentazione (petrified, stiff, frozen...)

   土, 29/10/2016 - 23:29

Hai ragione per il "dying" (colpa del auto-type).
Per la pietra, siccome "E uno schiaffo all'improvviso le mollai sul suo bel viso rimandandola da te", l'unico significato è che ha resistito alla tentazione.
Come ti ho già riferito, io preferisco dipingere le stesse immagini presentate nel l'originale piuttosto che adattarle o reinterpretarle.

   土, 29/10/2016 - 23:26

Sì, hai ragione, probabilmente la traduzione letterale è la migliore in questo caso

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 17:41

Have you looked at the first translation?
I think that especially from this part "One day I saw her" it sounds much better.

For example "she was offering me her mouth," doesn't sound really good. Which I assume it should.

   土, 02/06/2018 - 18:19

I don't know if you have any knowledge of the Italian language but I don't rewrite the songs, I translate them.
Bocca => mouth; labbra => lips ...and there are also other things that are twisted around in the first translation so if you prefer the made up one... be my guest. :)

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 19:10

I don't have any knowledge in Italian as you can see from the languages I've studied.

About rewriting songs, I usually allow for some minor changes that don't change the meaning but make it more natural in the target language.
I understand that the first translation doesn't line up(notice that it's very old) and has inaccuracies, but especially the end there seems to me more natural in English.

   土, 02/06/2018 - 18:35

Yes, “I stood like a stone” is a good translation, although there are some inaccuracies in other points of the first translations, e.g. “why did I like her” instead of “because she liked me” etc.
But the layout makes it hard to find them.

I can’t say whether it’s better “she gave me her lips” or “she was offering me her mouth” in English, but the second choice is closer to the original Italian expression.
Thanks for your comment, Anton. Overall, I prefer this second version, though.

   土, 02/06/2018 - 19:08

Just one little question: which one would you consider a more complete "surrender", if she offered her lips or her mouth? :)

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 19:11

mouth, but it sounds a bit vulgar in English and imo doesn't fit the song. Lips sounds more gentle. And still constitutes a surrender because of the "gave me."

   土, 02/06/2018 - 19:16

There is nothing vulgar about the word mouth... unless YOU want to make it vulgar.

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 19:19

Nothing about me, just saying what sounds better in an English song.
What about the "I stood there like a stone" ?

   土, 02/06/2018 - 19:36

If the original had been "io rimasi lì come una pietra" I would have translated it to that.

   土, 02/06/2018 - 19:48

Hey, calm down please. The Italian word is not vulgar. Offering one’s mouth or lips just means to be willing to give kisses and I think it’s clear enough also in English. “Dare” means to give but “donare” is closer to offer.
“Restare di sasso” and “restare come una pietra” is the same: to stay motionless like a stone.

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 20:43

I really hate it how you people devolve discussions about translations. No need to tell me to calm down.
Have a nice one.

tonyltonyl    土, 02/06/2018 - 21:03

Tell me if it's ok with you to delete the comments, to not pollute the thread on this translation.
Since you don't seem to understand what I meant.

   土, 02/06/2018 - 21:54

I’m sorry, my friend, I didn’t want you to take it to heart. I don’t like arguments and I was trying to make it up with you two.
I can only say if a translation matches the Italian meaning or not, but I can’t judge the English style, not more than an English speaker can do.
Anyway the first translation is not so bad, but I noticed a few inaccuracies and I have to say that in some points the first translation doesn’t grab the precise sense of the Italian lyrics. However you are free to like it more than the second one, no problem.
If you want to delete your comments, I’ll delete mine, too. But I don’t see any need to delete them.

tonyltonyl    日, 03/06/2018 - 21:00

Now you come to ask me "where is your wife".
Should be, Now you come to ask me where is your wife. (otherwise the your refers to the singer)

but, of stone, I remained.
Sound weird in English, could you consider changing it to something like “I stood like a stone” which Hampsicora agreed is a good translation?

And I would like to make it clear that I was just trying to help improve the translation where I thought I could.

   日, 03/06/2018 - 22:37

You help is welcome. I think you are right, inverted commas could be removed to make it clearer.
Anyway I don't know how weird it sounds (stone), I can only defer to Michael’s opinion since he is an Italian-American.

tonyltonyl    火, 05/06/2018 - 09:10

I guess that what happened that I was too used to the previous translation. I really like his songs ;.)
And maybe it's because I know Russian, in Russian "she gave me her mouth" is just not how you would say that.