Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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Where the pain doesn't reach

One day more.
One step more.
The sun will melt the shadow
before the twilight comes.
Torpid people are speeding.
Aching hearts are trembling.
They're craving for words of hope.
I just want to find peace.
Save me from myself.
Give me the courage to go further
where the pain doesn't reach.
It seems I'm already flying.
I stroke mountain summits.
From where can I take the courage
to look life straight in its face?
The ring of swirling thoughts
will brighten the sky web,
will smooth the river stream.
I just want to find peace.
Save me from myself.
Give me the courage to go further
where the pain doesn't reach.
I just want to find peace.
Save me from myself.
Give me the courage to go further
where the pain doesn't reach.

Tam Gdzie Nie Sięga Ból

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Kasia Kowalska: トップ3