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Ungaluzwa uthando kusihlwa [Can you feel the love tonight?]

Ya, bonna kwensekan-ni
Ahuo habaz slutho
Bazo thanda n'eqcineni
Sbathatu, ses'babili
Uma bekonene
Kumnandi yonke indawo,
Njengasol'isimbo sokuzwana,
Ingoz'isembo yeni
Uyez uthando na'flanje
Ugutule fusugu,
Ilih swelisha lifenengo guzwanna
Zomkevhe bilaa yo
Gunimgi'ngi namusho,
Gingende njannena,
Igenso nam agens amjielaa
Uzogitu va
Kukole, gufifa'iyo,
Angazi nina
Engab inkosi n'gi yoziyo,
Inkosi e yemi
Uyez uthando na'flanje
Ugutule fusugu,
Ilih swelisha lifenengo guzwanna
Zomkevhe bilaa yo
Uyez uthando na'flanje
Honnave igute
Hemsovini oguna koleni,
U thando nunavo
Izzi thanda ninam klanje,
Ginne prinni soh'
Ingoklule kom'i veli inde,
Izzi tche'e zizo!

Love is coming today

Something bad is happening
Oh, and it kindles anything
they will like each other
and what ended?
it stole our old ways when
they become two
When it has ruined everything
and sweetness takes hold of
And as Simba, the only guy,
continues to flirt into the night
it will take shelter in the air
Love is coming today
the night is peaceful
the world is in perfect harmony
with all it's living things
I have a problem I need to talk about
is there nothing I can do?
The truth about it? She will
turn away and give up on me
He is hiding something
But, I do not know what it is
He says he is not the king but,
I know he is my king
Love is coming today
the night is peaceful
the world is in perfect harmony
with all it's living things
Love is coming today
Please give some of it to me too
why are you searching so
When love is already with you
"Ungaluzwa uthando ..."の翻訳を手伝ってください。
   木, 10/10/2019 - 00:44

There have been always confusion about this version, Thank you for sharing this, definitely great content!

   木, 10/10/2019 - 00:51

What do you suggest? i'm willing to take my post down and replacing it for a more-accurate one