Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
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By the Reeds of the Winding Stream

By the reeds of the winding stream,
which are thought to rustle up love,
let gentle feelings intoxicate you,
be happy, love, enjoy, and dream.
But know that in the grip of love,
oh, what a grip it has,
the first feeling remains faithful,
for the heart loves but one time.
Their peace they never after find
who break with their faithful love,
though they form a thousand bonds
remorse shall follow in their steps.
The sorrow that consumes their tortured breast
and the tears upon their bed
shall bear witness that they own neither
the slightest peace, the slightest comfort,
the slightest peace, the slightest comfort.

Vid vassen av den krökta ström

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Helen Sjöholm: トップ3